Since 2020, the silicon valley cybersecurity conference supported by SVCSI (Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Institute), a nonprofit organization, has hosted a cybersecurity research and education forum for sharing innovative developments in cybersecurity for academia and industry. SVCSI will host the 5th conference with IEEE including various programs: research forums, tutorials, a cybersecurity competition, and an industry exhibition to bring together researchers, practitioners, educators, underrepresented communities, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks.
The 6th Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference (SVCC) will take place on June 23-25, 2025 in San Francisco. We plant to have a research paper competition, 2 tutorials (AI & PQC) to provide professional SVCSI certificates, CyberWarrior (a.k.a Hackathon), a poster competition, Google-sponsored career development session, and industry talks along with industry exhibitions.
Main Track Research Paper Submission Deadline: Jan. 31, 2025 (Firm)-Done!
Camera-ready: March 15, 2025​
Two best paper awards will be presented in the main research track. Each recipient will receive $500 in cash along with a crystal award plaque valued at $200.​
Participate in the poster competition!
Poster Paper Submission Deadline: Feb. 15, 2025
(We are excited to announce a poster competition during the conference. Two outstanding posters will be selected, and the winners will receive a special gift (around $300) from SVCC 2025. As a reference, in 2024, the poster awardees were given Google products valued at around $350. We especially encourage NSF REU students to submit their research posters. Be sure to check out the call-for-poster session for more details!)